Star Mountain’s Founder & CEO, Brett Hickey Speaking at the Financial Planning Association’s June Quarterly Meeting in Appleton, WI
Star Mountain’s Founder & CEO, Brett Hickey will be speaking at the Financial Planning Association’s June Quarterly Meeting which will be held on June 19th in Appleton, WI. Brett will be presenting, “Positioning a Business to Both Protect and Maximize Value.”
During this presentation, the mechanics of how to build a business to both protect value and maximize its long-term value will be covered. As an experienced investor in private businesses for over 15 years, Mr. Hickey will also touch upon how financial advisors can help clients access this growing marketplace and become a strategic partner to business owners. Attendees will gain an understanding on how to assist clients with sourcing, underwriting and managing investments. Mr. Hickey will also go into ways to achieve growth in a business and take it to the level of being sellable.
By the end of the presentation, attendees will know how to protect and create value for private small and medium-sized businesses and how to think about opportunities of investing in the private markets.
For more information on the meeting or to see the agenda CLICK HERE.