Former Partner and Senior Member of Credit Funds at Fortress Investment Group, Jared Cohen, Joins Star Mountain Capital as Managing Director
READ MORETerry Fox Foundation Features Brett Hickey’s “Why I Walk” Story
“I walk to honor my mother and my aunt, both of whom were taken from our family by cancer. I also walk to make a difference!”
My story began when I started my first business in high school; selling clothes, which I could get on consignment. I used the small room of my entrepreneurship class to sell the clothes, keeping my overhead to nearly zero. This was partially in recognition to my mother who used to teach business and entrepreneurship, including assisting with the development of this same high school entrepreneurship program years earlier.
Sadly, I lost my mother to cancer at the age of 6 and in 2014, I, unfortunately, lost another amazing person to this disease, my loving aunt, who played a motherly role for me after my mom passed (in addition to raising her 4 children).
Thanks to medical advancements, my aunt beat cancer once and was blessed with another decade in her life.
I know cancer has and will continue to affect us all until we find a cure, so I walk to make a difference and to continue to raise awareness and support for this horrible disease that affects hundreds of thousands of people per year.
While studying as an undergraduate at McGill University in Montreal, I volunteered to drive someone going through chemotherapy to and from the hospital, as he did not have anyone to help him. It was a small donation of my time, but I believed made a big difference in one person’s life. Relating to this, I also walk to inspire others to help make a difference. While any single contribution of time, money or other resources may not be large, in the aggregate, we can make a substantial difference.
Culture is a core part of the DNA of the business I founded, Star Mountain Capital, and I am proud to say that last year we were the number one fundraising team of the Terry Fox Run (New York City).
On Saturday, October 14th I will be running in the 2017 Terry Fox Run (New York City) in honor of my mother and aunts’ memories and would appreciate your support.”
Click here to donate to Brett’s page.